A ground up redesign of the photo ecommerce platform for MSC Cruises

A screenshot of the My MSC Photos home page showing a photo of a couple getting their picture taken on a cruise ship.


MSC Cruises worked with the Kodak Moments team to redesign and rebuild their existing MSC Photo website and kiosk from the ground up. The new website established a consistent visual design, simplified the experience, and introduced new features.

My Role

As the sole designer, I was responsible for defining all user flows for both kiosk and web, leading in-person usability testing, creating the visual design following MSC's brand guidelines, handing off design specs, and validating design implementation.

Where's the case study?

To maintain a level of confidentiality, I'm unable to share more about this project. If you'd like to learn more about my design process, feel free to reach out through email.

→ Email Sam